Why Sri Lanka is the best location for filming world-class movies.

Check out the intriguing discussion about why Sri Lanka is the best location for filming world-class movies between our main man at the helm at Circle 360, Director / Co-Founder Yasas R.Ratnayake and Viraj from the YouTube channel “Business Advisor” about an introduction to line production services offered in Sri Lanka for foreign film productions. 

The conversation dwells into our past projects and how Filming International Films / TV Productions in Sri Lanka makes a significant impact on the local economy in a time Sri Lanka is yearning for foreign currency.

When a foreign production arrives in Sri Lanka nourishes most service industries very much like tourism. The foreign crew will need lodging, food, building materials, props, local actors, transportation, etc. The list is endless on how much the local economy can benefit in a matter of a few weeks of having a foreign production in Sri Lanka.

The “Business Advisor” YouTube channel shares business strategies, tips and share the entrepreneurs’ experiences to help them to start their own businesses and to grow existing ventures. Fixer / Line Production services in Sri Lanka is a lesser known career path followed by most people because of the lack of foreign films selecting Sri Lanka as a filming location.

We certainly hope to change this in the future and encourage production houses from around the world to film in Sri Lanka as we believe it’s the best kept secret for shooting locations in Asia. This matched with out motivated and professional group at Circle 360,  the need for Line production / fixer services in Sri Lanka will surely see a steady rise. 

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